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Free Downloads of Classical and Opera MP3-Music - An Update

Even if this is a blog for historical recordings, I am a listener of classical music in general, too. I once wrote about my findings on the web, and it became the most popular and mostly read posting in my blog. As there are many people in search of sources for fine music, I like to make a little update now, because on the web everything changes rapidly, and blogs that were available yesterday may not exist anymore tomorrow. The reason is the struggle between those, who think that every music should be available to everyone for free and those, who earn their money with selling this music. This last group is reinforced by lawyers and attorneys who earn their money with prosecuting people who try to make music available to erveryone. These lawyers force filehosters to close accounts of bloggers or bloghoster to close blogs. But - there is still a growing group of music-sharers who make CDs available to erveryone, and so for every closed blog anywhere another blog is born. The problem is only to find them - and here maybe I can give some help.

For me the quailty of a music offering blog depends much on the quality of the fileserver from which the music can be downloaded by the user. Uploading is free of coasts normaly and downloading should be free of coasts, too. There are some blogs who use fileservers which force you to go through many advertisements and menues where you mostly cannot find the way to the download. All fileservers want to sell you an "upgrade" through which you can get easier and faster to the files you desire. But there are still some which are rather good and free of costs. I use Zippyshare in my blog after having witnessed that MediaFire blocked recordings that indeed were copyright-free with no justification. But maybe the time for Zippyshare is over soon, too, because in the beginning Zippyshare was fast and nearly free from advertisements. By now, with growing popularity, more and more (even porno-) ads or nerving pop-up-windows appear there when you download a file as a user.

But now to the classical music blogs I recommend:

The best one at the moment is http://radiomelasudas-beaumarchais.blogspot.de/ made by Beaumarchais from Spain. Here you find a real big reservoir of recordings - by now more than 10.000 CDs. He uses mostly Zippyshare, the files are well tagged most of the time, the covers are in the downloaded folders, and everything is pleasing and fine. There is sometimes mainstream material like Beethoven Symphonies, but if you are looking for some unusual composers or collected works, you will find it there especially. You can send him an Euro via Paypal (like I once did, too), if you want to honour his fanatical work, or leave a comment (every Blogger is pleased about commentaries!!!!), but you don't have to.  Great recommondation!

Some findings in the last time which I liked very much:

The next one is also very good, with a great focus on vocal recordings. It is http://afinatusoidos.blogspot.de/
with by now about 1000 recordings. He has the best filehoster - it is 4shared: No download restrictions, no advertisements, very fine and easy. This will be the next file hoster I try - if it does not change in the next time  like once Zippyshare did (I am still waiting and cannot believe that this one is so easy- and ask if it is save for the uploaders! Is there anyone who made bad experiences with 4shared? Please write a comment!). El Humilde Campesino, who makes this blog, not always includes tags or cover scans with the MP3-datas from rare CDs not included in freedb, so you sometimes have a bit work of identifying and tagging your downloads. But you can find some real rarities there! So look into the downloaded MP3s if  the tracks are tagged, and if not: copy the picture of the CD cover from the article so that you can identify the recordings later. As I experienced it is often not easy searching a record cover of a CD you downloaded a few months ago, so keep more order with your files than me!

Some findings in the last time for me as a vocal collector:

Another great blogs which is using 4shared is C-o-l-o-r-a-t-u-r-a-s Here you find especially fine opera recordings, also very new ones...

The blog http://la-castafiore.blogspot.de/ is also very fine and up to date. You'll find here, for example Jonas Kaufmann's new Wagner Album or Carlos Kleibers Tristan, easily downloadable from 4 shared.

A new blog in the last time which is very promising for opera fans is http://abendempfindung.blogspot.de/ :
a fine taste, good articles, fine singers and also very easy downloads with 4shared!

These are my most important blogs. Other classical blogs like http://bayreuthclassical.blogspot.de/ have a fine repertoire but use providers, where you only can download one file every three hours. If you really are interested in their repertoire, you are forced to buy an upgrade from the filehoster, and so the download is not really free. Blogs like these (and there are many of them who maybe even earn money cooperating with providers who honour it when you only offer the downloads for paying premium customers) are not featured on this list.

Another big blog which is a bit like a labyrinth and not always easy to find your way through is http://meetinginmusic.blogspot.de/ There are many uploaders and a huge repertoire, and when I downloaded something some time ago it was not as easy as the blogs mentioned before, but it was OK.

At last: a special case are blogs where old vinyl recordings are restoreed and offered for download. This is a bit special and not for the usual classical consumer, but if you like it, here are a few:

http://leblogdephilopera.blogspot.de/ (a recently found blog with many fine opera recitals from the 50ies and 60ies from original LPs)

Drop me a line or write a comment if you have other hot links!


Oben stehen ein paar links für empfehlenswerte Klassik-Blogs. Die Freude am Blog für den Leser und Nutzer steht und fällt mit der Qualität des Filehosters, bei dem man die Dateien herunterladen kann. Z.Zt. scheint mir 4shared der beste Dienst für die Nutzer zu sein (parallele Downloads erlaubt, nur 20 Sekunden Wartezeit, kein Captcha, wenig Werbung, bisher keine Dateiblockaden etc.), und viele der oben genannten Blogs arbeiten damit zusammen. Ich bin gespannt, ob 4shared auch demnächst anfängt, im Namen der vermeintlichen oder tatsächlichen Copyright-Wahrung Dateien zu blockieren oder auszuschließen! Falls nicht, wäre das mein bevorzugter Downloadpartner für die Zukunft, aber ich kann es noch nicht so recht glauben, dass es dort wirklich besser zugeht....

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